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Efetov & Tarmann

Artikel-Nr: NLA69
Preis: 104,00 Euro

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Efetov & Tarmann   1999

Forester Moths. The genera Theresimima, Rhagades, Jordanita and Adscita (Zygaenidae).

Efetov & Tarmann 1999: Forester Moths. The genera Theresimima, Rhagades, Jordanita and Adscita (Zygaenidae). 192 S., 12 Farbtafeln, zahlreiche Genitalabb. Format 24 x 17 cm. Hardback. This book is an attempt to summerize all knowledge and enable entomologist to identify all species belonging to these four genera.
A short summary of the characters of the Procridinae, comments on possible phylogenetic relationships, a complete check-list of species and all known synonyms, an identification key with genitalia drawings of all species, a systematic catalogue with type localities and depositories of types, data on the distribution, and annotated list of all known larval foodplants, description of new biologies and a detailed bibliography are provided. Moreover, illustrations of wing venation, morphology of antennae and legs, larval morphology, so far unpublished photos of larvae and their foodplants and colour paintings of all mentioned species are included. 12 colour plates. Line drawings of male and female genitalia to all species.